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The Secret of Being Content
Mac was a former Adventist, and he called me “Padre.” I was a young district pastor in northern N…
Not Afraid of the Snow
It was a long Sunday. I began working at 2:00 a.m. and by 5:30 p.m. was ready to collapse from exhau…
Saving time?
While living in Collegedale, Tennessee, I was elected president of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference…
Ready for God’s Timetable
We often ask ourselves how, when, and even where we can witness for the Lord, and at what time. We…
Arabic, Allah, and a Can of Beer
As I walked into the vast cafeteria for the first time, I suddenly realized more than ever that I w…
An Equity of Trust
October 29, 1984 was the beginning of a “Great Disappointment” for our family. Like many young f…
A Can Do That
I became a member of the Adventist Church in my late twenties and began to tithe. The Lord blessed…
Caring for Creation
While driving to a friend’s home in the heart of Ohio’s Amish community one morning, I found myself…
A Steward’s Schedule
I sighed heavily as I climbed the stairs to my college dorm room. This was only the beginning of th…