Interested in telling us your stewardship story? Hooray!
What are the requirements? Easy!
- The story must be true and about you!
- The story must have a stewardship theme.
- Maximum length: 3 minutes/500-word limit
What do you mean by “stewardship”?
Christian stewardship recognizes that all of our possessions (both tangible and intangible) have been given to us by God. God is the owner. We are the managers. Your story must be about your stewardship of your time or talents or resources for the glory of God. “I overslept and got lost” is fun to tell friends at a party, but a compelling stewardship story is the one you tell someone special to you, in an intimate café.
Stewardship stories usually fit one or more of these points:
- Something very important is gained
- Something very important is lost
- Outside events create a crucial struggle
- Focus on categories like:finances, tithe, taxes, making ends meet, family relationships, stress, health, work/home balance, addiction, investment
What happens after I submit my story?
Complete the form on this page; if Stewardship Ministries is interested in your story, we will get in touch and go over your story together. We will work with you on making the strong parts stronger.