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God Supplies My Every Need
When I was in college, I spent a summer coordinating a witnessing team in the Southwest. All summer…
“I need your help, God.”
In 1958 I was 18 years old when I faced my biggest lifetime confrontation with God. Newly married…
An Equity of Trust
October 29, 1984 was the beginning of a “Great Disappointment” for our family. Like many young f…
Collision Consolation
A midnight phone call jolted us awake. The anguished voice of my husband’s new coworker arrested ou…
All These Things
I was the pastor of the Adventist church in Meridian, Mississippi. One day we received an unusual l…
The Blessing of a Miserable Day
Faithfulness to God in tithes and offerings has always been the hallmark of our family. I learned t…