Local Church Budget
June 7, 2014
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Video Presenter: Kathleen Kuntaraf
PRESENTER: Kathleen Kuntaraf
The story is told of a very rich lady who dreamt she died and was taken up to heaven. She was given an angel to escort her to her new home. The angel took her past many exquisite mansions.
Passing one of the most elegant, the angel said, “And this is the mansion of your servant who died last year.” Since this was a fine home, the lady became really excited about the anticipated size of her new home. Soon they rounded a turn and came upon a small shack.
“Here is your new home,” the angel announced.
“Is this all? I was of a very wealthy family on earth,” she said.
“Well,” the angel explained, “this is all you sent up.”
Jesus Himself said, “ ‘But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal’ ” (Matthew 6:20, NKJV).
As we plan our weekly giving, let’s be sure that we give due consideration to eternal values, as well as present needs and desires.
Passing one of the most elegant, the angel said, “And this is the mansion of your servant who died last year.” Since this was a fine home, the lady became really excited about the anticipated size of her new home. Soon they rounded a turn and came upon a small shack.
“Here is your new home,” the angel announced.
“Is this all? I was of a very wealthy family on earth,” she said.
“Well,” the angel explained, “this is all you sent up.”
Jesus Himself said, “ ‘But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal’ ” (Matthew 6:20, NKJV).
As we plan our weekly giving, let’s be sure that we give due consideration to eternal values, as well as present needs and desires.