Evangelism / NAD
May 31, 2014
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Video Presenter: Mark Finley
PRESENTER: Mark Finley
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14, NKJV).
“To the early church had been entrusted a constantly enlarging work—that of establishing centers of light and blessing wherever there were honest souls willing to give themselves to the service of Christ. The proclamation of the gospel was to be world-wide in its extent, and the messengers of the cross could not hope to fulfill their important mission unless they should remain united in the bonds of Christian unity, and thus reveal to the world that they were one with Christ in God. . . . Their spiritual life and power was dependent on a close connection with the One by whom they had been commissioned to preach the gospel (Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 90).
Appeal: Today’s offering helps fund evangelistic training activities and provides resource material and special evangelistic events that focus on evangelism in the North American Division. As we worship in giving, remember we are still dependent on Christ, our Leader for spiritual life and power. Thank you for your generosity in supporting transformational evangelism, retention of young adults, women in ministry, education, and emerging immigrant populations for God’s mission field.
“To the early church had been entrusted a constantly enlarging work—that of establishing centers of light and blessing wherever there were honest souls willing to give themselves to the service of Christ. The proclamation of the gospel was to be world-wide in its extent, and the messengers of the cross could not hope to fulfill their important mission unless they should remain united in the bonds of Christian unity, and thus reveal to the world that they were one with Christ in God. . . . Their spiritual life and power was dependent on a close connection with the One by whom they had been commissioned to preach the gospel (Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 90).
Appeal: Today’s offering helps fund evangelistic training activities and provides resource material and special evangelistic events that focus on evangelism in the North American Division. As we worship in giving, remember we are still dependent on Christ, our Leader for spiritual life and power. Thank you for your generosity in supporting transformational evangelism, retention of young adults, women in ministry, education, and emerging immigrant populations for God’s mission field.