Local Church Budget

February 18, 2012

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Author: NAD Stewardship

Video Presenter: Roger Wiehn

PRESENTER: Roger Wiehn
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 NKJV
The most important words of this scripture are the first four: “In the beginning God!” As stewards, we are endowed with mental, physical and moral capabilities. These must be developed and combined into an intangible we call character. This character is the only thing we will take, in its acceptable form, from this earth to Heaven. Therefore, these capabilities must be perfected through the power of choice: the choice and application of principles to specific situations. It is this consideration, de­cision and implementation that form the foundation and growth of character. It was to this end that God formed humanity a free, moral agent; a person who could recognize their capabilities and develop them to the glory of his Creator; a person who would be able to return love as they were loved. Such people were to take their places in the heavenly family as contributors to the celestial happiness.

To accomplish this divine purpose, a person must recognize their origin and their God-given appointment as a manager over the things with which they have been entrusted. To help us God gave us great, guiding principles to live by.

Appeal: Our church has been given the task of guiding humans in the ways of God and to know and understand the divine principles. We give our resources today for that purpose.