Life management (stewardship) is caring for all the resources God provided us—Time, Temple (body), Talent which includes taking care of the planet, and Treasure (money, possessions). We can only do this as we Trust Him daily, engage in the study of God through His word (Theology), and share a Testimony of His goodness to others. This is what stewardship is all about. At its core, stewardship is managing our lives God’s way! Does it seem like a massive job? Well, it can be if we’re not organized.
Stewardship in Action:
Here are a few tips for organizing your life so you can be a good steward:
- Determine what you value. In other words, what’s important to you? Education? Sports? Family?
- Set short- and long-term goals for these values. A short-term goal is 12 months or less. A long-term goal is more than 12 months. If one of your values is education, a short-term goal would be to acquire the money to attend college. The long-term goal would be to graduate debt-free.
- List the details of your goals; success will depend on them. The more details you add to a specific goal, the more likely you will successfully reach your goal. In the example of Education as your value, some details might be which college you’re going to attend, how you will pay for your tuition and expenses, what type of transportation you will use, etc.
- Then, direct the use of your time, talent, treasure, and temple to accomplish these goals.