Junior, Youth, and Pathfinder Bible

Mark Your Bible for Stewardship

Stewardship in Action: Spending time with God in His Word (Time, the 1st T of the 7Ts of Stewardship).

The following texts will help you understand what the Bible says about stewardship. In the margin of your Bible next to Genesis 1:26, write Genesis 28:22. When you go to Genesis 28:22, write Leviticus 27:30 in the margin next to that verse. Continue that pattern until you finish all the texts. Then, you’ll be ready to share with someone all the benefits of faithful stewardship!

Bible marking texts:

š Genesis 1:26 – Who is the steward over the earth?

š Genesis 28:22 – How do you define “tithe”?

š Leviticus 27:30 – Tithe belongs to whom?

š Psalm 24:1 – Who owns the earth?

š Proverbs 3:9 – Who should receive our first and our best?

š Malachi 3:8, 9 – How do we rob God?

š Malachi 3:10 – What are some promised blessings of tithing?

š Matthew 6:20 – Where should we keep our treasure?

š Matthew 25:15 – What does this tell us about the stewardship of our abilities?

š John 3:16 – What does this tell us about God’s love for us and the earth?

š 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – How can we be good stewards of our bodies?

š 1 Corinthians 9:13, 14 – What does this tell us about the use of tithe?

š 1 Corinthians 16:2 – How do we give our offerings?

š 2 Corinthians 9:7 – What should our attitude in giving be?

š Colossians 4:5 – What does this tell us about the stewardship of our time?