North Pacific Union
Alaska Conference
Arctic Mission Shungnak, Alaska: Shungnak, is a traditional Inupiat Eskimo village and located on a bluff by the Kobuk River. In 2010 there were 73 housing units in the community. This village can only be reached by plane. The Adventist chapel was built in 1969 and still in remarkable condition. The parsonage is a 16 X 20 foot cabin that is home to volunteer missionaries. Their work is to revive the Seventh-day Adventist church so it meets on a regular basis. The parsonage has no running water, sewer and poor insulation. The 2013 mission investment project is to build a 30 X 30 parsonage in this remote arctic village. Evangelism cannot be continued without adequate housing for those presenting the gospel of Jesus in this part of Alaska.
Mid-America Union
The Healing Place, West Denver, Colorado: The Healing Place began a year ago by providing meals for the homeless in a small, dark and cramped building. Recently it was relocated to a larger building in the heart of downtown Denver. There must be a presence in the heart of downtown Denver, Colorado. The Auraria Campus which is an education complex that houses three educational institutions is a perfect location. The Healing Place will reach out to secular college students, area residents and workers, and homeless in the Auraria area of downtown Denver with the three angel’s messages, health programs and meals. Adventist young adults will be trained to study the Bible with Auraria campus students. Currently there are 20-30 attending Friday evening Bible studies.