God’s Beauty is Healing – Rina Ritivolu

“We as musicians we have so much to offer this is the gift of God but we are often stuck in the practice room or perform in a concert hall. But I believe that we need to go beyond this bubble and go into the local community where there is so much need.” Watch the video to learn what Rina's belief in the healing power of music led her to do. Visit our website: nadstewardship.org/i-am-a-steward/ Follow us: Facebook: facebook.com/nadstewardship/ Instagram: instagram.com/nadstewardship/ Express your gratitude through the AdventistGiving App! iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/app/adventist-giving/id1305324406?mt=8 | Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.andr.adventistgiving&hl=en_US

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